WEEK 32: Still Here!

Last week brought us about 3" of rain in one day. Arizona has this weather pattern referred to as Monsoon Season, typically from June through September, which to me seems to be an oxymoron given how incredibly dry the place is. At any rate, we occasionally get rainstorms in the summer, and this last week brought a huge one that dumped for a day. In Texas, a good rainstorm will dump 3" in a couple of hours, and is no big deal. Here, it is a big deal because there is granite rock hiding 6-12 inches beneath the dirt, and water has nowhere to go in terms of absorption. So everyone gets a 'pool' somewhere whether they want one or not, and you learn not to tempt fate with a flash flood warning. But, I digress... The internal work on the house has continued on a steady pace with most of the activity centered on installing the ceramic floor tiles, which comprise about 75% of the house (guest rooms and den/study are carpeted). In theory, ceramic tile makes for a cooler hom...