WEEK 29: Now We're Talkin'!
Greetings, Everyone!
The house is finally starting to look like a home! Trim carpenters were in this week adding trim molding, door frames, window sills, shelving and caulking throughout the house.
This house will take some "stuff" management because we have about 50% of the cabinet and shelf space of the previous San Marcos home. That means Jan will have to get rid of half her shoes and clothes (ok, just kidding, that ain't gonna happen!). Unfortunately, any overflow will end up being my stuff.
We've also made a decision to rock the inside TV wall in the Living Room, which is going to look fantastic when finished. (Think climbing wall! Yeah, just kidding again.)
In addition, the exterior stucco surfaces are finished drying (in 110 degree heat!), so the final color coat is expected to be finished this week.
Front Entrance
The final color coat goes on all of the stucco this week, facia and eves will get stained, and then finally the roof goes on. The tiles have been on the roof for about a month now, specifically to check for roof truss defects and wall cracks before another inspection. So far, so good!
Master closet
Master closet
Master closet mirror wall
Guest Room closet #1
Off to find some rock for the interior wall! See y'all next week!
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