WEEK 51: Where's The Mover?

We finally closed escrow! 

We are now the proud owners of another home. Unfortunately, not all of the work is done yet, but I'll explain later. Can y'all believe we got 3.5" of rain here last week? Crazy!

Basically, everything is technically done, however, we still have a substantial punchiest consisting of some additional painting (inside and out), cabinet touch-ups, pool tile and scupper cleanup, additional plants that have to be purchased by the landscaper, and a fountain installation. We expect all of this to be completed in the next couple of weeks. In the interim, I have subs contracted to do work that I didn't want the builder to do such as fan and mirror installation, complete interior color repaint, living room beams, rock and floating shelves, and garage cabinet installation. That should take us to the middle of the month when furniture starts arriving. So we still have a bit of the journey left to complete....

Backyard Activity

As you can see, the pool is full and functioning, and as cold as a well digger's ass right now! There is still some tile work to finish after the scupper is repaired (kinda bows in at the middle). There are two fire pots that sit on the columns that also need to be installed, and lastly, the brass pop-up inserts that clean the pool. Hopefully, that all gets done by Tuesday. 🙏


They installed the Ramada cover last week, but there are a couple more things to do before it is functional (lights, fan, switches). This will house a large table and chairs for party gatherings. (The white post is actually a drain/drip line for landscape pots that have yet to arrive.)

The BBQ area is still missing 5 stools and the new Traeger which will occupy the right side that appears empty. We opted not to do a Big Green Egg since I rarely used the last on in Texas. Between the Traeger smoker and the grill, I've got 95% of what I need covered. 

All of the backyard hardscape and soft scape is in, but we are still waiting for some additional plants to arrive. The "grass" is the mower-less version which only requires my portable blower to keep it looking good. 👍😊  Patio furniture should be delivered next week, so the hardscape won't look as naked as it does now.

Interior Space

Everything is pretty much complete inside absent some cabinet punchlist, and repaint that the builder needs to complete (blue tape). But at this point, this is pretty much what its going to look like minus the furniture.

That's all for this post. As we start to populate the house with furniture and finish work, I'll post something again in the next couple of weeks. Until then, Jan and I wish you a Wonderful and Happy New Year!
