WEEK 27: More Mud in Your Eye!

We're finally back after a great week of renewed friendships, outstanding wine tastings, great food, and SOME COOL WEATHER chasing wines in Sonoma, CA! Getting off the plane in Phoenix in 100 degree weather after a week of 75 degrees was another bit of a shock, but glad to be home. A big shout-out to our former homies, Carl, Susan, Steve and Pam for a great week of laughs and more wine stories to tell.

Outdoor tasting at Blue Farm Winery. If you haven't been there, run, don't walk, for some terrific Chardonnay and Pinot Noirs!

While we were gone, our friends at the house have been busy! Our hallway issue was resolved, and reframed correctly, amidst the taping and mudding as they prepare to apply texture (Manhattan Smooth) later this week or next. The opening at the end of this hallway was supposed to be 48", but was framed at 33", which means the new couch Jan just bought for the TV room was going to have to come through a window. NOT! Thankfully, they resolved this with no outstanding issues (bends to the left now with equal spacing).

Master Bath with freestanding glass shower

Master Bedroom patio view

Along with the activity in the house, they started on the exterior stucco base coat. My understanding is that they are allowing 2-3 days between coats to thoroughly dry the undercoat. I'm not sure how anything CAN'T dry quickly in 115 degree heat, but that is their process.

Front Entrance view

Portion of the Front view

Master Bedroom patio view

Kitchen / Patio entrance

Our next phase, after texturing, will start the trim, cabinets and door installations. 

That's it for this week. Off to a detox regiment after 12 winery visits this last week (😂, yeah that ain't happening!). 
